Rock Island VR80 Problems: Uncovering Common Issues and Solutions

The Rock Island VR80 is a semi-automatic shotgun that has gained popularity among firearm enthusiasts for its sleek design, tactical features, and affordability. Also known as the ArmScor VR80, this shotgun has become a popular choice for individuals who appreciate its ease of use, versatility, and the customizability it offers for various shooting scenarios.

However, it’s essential to acknowledge that the VR80 has its problems that users should be aware of. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on commonly-reported issues with the Rock Island VR80 and offer suggested solutions for those who face these challenges.

The Feeding Reliability Issues

Failures to Feed (FTF)

One significant problem that some VR80 users have reported is experiencing occasional failures to feed (FTF), particularly when using low-recoil or budget birdshot ammunition. In these cases, the shotgun fails to properly chamber the next round from the magazine, leading to malfunctions and disruptions during shooting.

Short stroking

A common cause of FTF is short stroking, which occurs when the shotgun’s action doesn’t fully cycle, preventing the next round from being chambered. This issue has been reported in many VR80 rifles when using certain types of ammunition.

Suggested Solutions:

1. Clean and lubricate your shotgun regularly. Proper maintenance can help ensure smooth cycling of the action.

2. Adjust the gas system. The VR80 features a user-adjustable gas system that allows you to regulate the amount of gas vented, impacting its cycling. Ensure you have the right setting for the type of load you are using.

3. Break in your shotgun. Some users report the FTF issues decreasing after shooting 100-200 rounds through their VR80, effectively “breaking in” the firearm and smoothing out its action.

4. Choose the appropriate ammunition. Opt for high-quality, reliable ammunition for your VR80. Higher brass shells, such as those intended for waterfowl hunting, may alleviate the issue.

Magazine-Related Feeding Issues

Some VR80 users have reported issues related to the firearm’s magazines causing feeding reliability problems.

Suggested Solutions:

1. Inspect your magazines for any damage, wear, or debris. Clean and maintain your magazines regularly to ensure proper functionality.

2. Purchase reliable aftermarket magazines. Companies like Typhoon Defense produce magazines of high quality for the VR80 platform, which could help improve feeding reliability.

Trigger Issues

Heavy Trigger Pull

The factory trigger on the Rock Island VR80 leaves much to be desired. Some users report a heavy and gritty trigger pull that can impede accurate shooting.

Suggested Solutions:

1. Install an aftermarket trigger upgrade. Several companies produce improved triggers for the VR80 platform. Installing an aftermarket trigger can result in a lighter and smoother trigger pull.

2. Polish the trigger components. Disassembling the trigger group and polishing the components can help smooth out the gritty feeling felt with the factory trigger.

Ejection Issues

Failures to Eject (FTE)

Another concern for some Rock Island VR80 owners is experiencing occasional failures to eject (FTE) spent shells. An FTE can vary from the spent shells being ejected weakly or inconsistently to not ejecting at all.

Suggested Solutions:

1. Clean and lubricate the shotgun regularly. Good firearm maintenance is vital for improving ejection reliability.

2. Adjust the gas system. Similar to FTF issues, ensuring that the VR80’s adjustable gas system is set correctly for the ammunition being used can help improve ejection.

3. Break in the shotgun. As mentioned earlier, some users report that issues like FTE decrease after putting a few hundred rounds through their VR80.

4. Choose appropriate ammunition. Experimenting with different types of shells can help determine which ammunition cycles best through your VR80.

Customization Challenges

Although the Rock Island VR80 is designed with customization in mind, some users have run into occasional difficulties when attempting to install certain aftermarket upgrades or accessories.

Suggested Solutions:

1. Research compatibility: Ensure that the parts you are interested in are fully compatible with the VR80 platform before attempting to install them.

2. Seek professional assistance. If you are unsure or uncomfortable installing aftermarket parts or accessories, consult with a qualified gunsmith for assistance.

Final Thoughts

While the Rock Island VR80 is a solid, cost-effective shotgun with many features that appeal to tactical enthusiasts, users should be aware of its potential issues. By troubleshooting problems and trying proposed solutions, VR80 owners can maximize their firearm’s performance and ensure a positive shooting experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is the VR80 reliable?

Yes, the VR80 is a reliable shotgun. It has been tested extensively and has received positive feedback from many users.

2. Which is better VR60 vs VR80?

The VR80 is considered to be better than the VR60. The VR80 has a higher capacity and is more reliable than the VR60.

3. Can the VR80 shoot 2 3/4 shells?

Yes, the VR80 can shoot 2 3/4 inch shells, as well as 3 inch shells. You can switch between the two sizes by adjusting the gas system.

4. Who makes Rock Island VR80?

The Rock Island VR80 is manufactured by Rock Island Armory, a firearms company based in the Philippines.

5. What kind of problems are common with the VR80?

Some common problems with the VR80 include feed and ejection issues, difficulty with certain types of ammunition, and inconsistent accuracy.

6. How can I fix feed and ejection issues with my VR80?

If you’re experiencing feed and ejection issues with your VR80, try cleaning and lubricating the gun, making sure the gas system is properly adjusted, and using quality ammunition. If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer or a qualified gunsmith for assistance.

7. Is the VR80 legal in my state?

The legality of the VR80 may vary depending on your state’s laws and regulations. You should do thorough research or consult with a legal expert to determine if it is legal to own and use in your area.

8. Can the VR80 be customized?

Yes, the VR80 can be customized with various accessories such as optics, grips, and rails. There are also aftermarket parts available to upgrade its performance and appearance.

9. What type of ammunition is recommended for the VR80?

The VR80 is compatible with various types of ammunition, but it is recommended to use high-quality, brass-cased ammunition that meets SAAMI specifications. Avoid using steel-cased or reloaded ammunition, as this may cause issues with the gun’s performance.

10. Is it necessary to clean the VR80 after every use?

Yes, it is recommended to clean the VR80 after every use to maintain its reliability and longevity. Failure to clean the gun properly may cause issues with its performance.